Tuesday, May 24, 2005

James Fowler’s Stages of Faith

Something I’ve decided to do (again) is to incorporate intentionally James Fowler’s Stages of Faith into my sermon prep. Basically, according to Fowler, human faith development corresponds with human development. (Simple enough, huh?) Faith perspective and reasoning, then, reflect a developmental process that naturally goes down a general path. Fowler’s focus in Christian Education is known as “Spiritual Formation.”

The following is from a chart that I put together for my own reference a few years ago. Some of it is in my own words, but there are also parts taken straight from the book. I don’t know what comes from where, so I can’t “quote” Fowler. This was meant for reference. I suggest to anyone interested in spiritual formation to pick up the actual book. Another book of interest (which I call the Cliff’s Notes version) is Fowler’s Faith Development and Pastoral Care.

I’ll be posting them separately.


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