Luke 24.44-53; Acts 1.1-11: "Cleaning the Filters"
The lectionary is here for Ascension Sunday.I sat down to type up my notes for Hermetic Homiletics, and it accidentally just turned into my full sermon. I'm not going to post the whole thing here. But I will put the opening and other main parts. The elipses, of course, identify where other text is. I wanted to keep it as short as possible for this blog.
"Cleaning the Filters"
Does telling them “the plan” have to be done repeatedly? Apparently so. In the Acts passage, Jesus basically tells the disciples don’t leave Jerusalem but wait for the power from on high that is the Holy Spirit, then go out and proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name. He seems pretty clear and straightforward. All is good. Then the disciples speak.
“Uh, that’s nice. But is this the time that you are going to restore the kingdom to Israel? I mean, is it time for the overthrow and punishment of Rome and the re-establishment of Israel as an independent nation? ‘Cause, we were kind of waiting for that.”
Were they actually present during this whole conversation with the risen Christ. That’s okay. It looks like they were a bit preoccupied. So, Jesus takes them through it all again.
“Look people, don’t worry about that. Some things are not for you to know and not your concern. Here’s what is your concern. Keep up with me here. Number 1: Stay here in Jerusalem. Don’t leave. Number 2: Wait for the power of the Holy Spirit to come from on high. Number 3: Then you go out and proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name. And when I say go out for number 3, I mean go out, that means to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and even to Rome itself. So, we’re clear now. In order, 1, 2, 3. Good.” And then, Jesus is up, up, and away.
As he disappears into the clouds, the disciples stand there, staring. You know this staring look. It’s the same type of look that overcomes people as they gaze into the night sky as it bursts with fireworks for whatever occasion. %
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